can't run maven-cayenne-plugin

From: Bryan Lewis (
Date: Sun May 16 2010 - 20:41:37 UTC

  • Next message: Jin Xu: "How to get the DB Table Name from a data object ?"

    I upgraded the cayenne version from 3.0RC1 to 3.0 in my application's
    pom.xml. All went well except the maven-cayenne-plugin (m2eclipse
    auto-executing cgen) throws:

    Build errors for model;
    Failed to execute goal org.apache.cayenne.plugins:maven-cayenne-plugin:3.0:
    cgen (cgen) on project model:
    Execution cgen of goal
    org.apache.cayenne.plugins:maven-cayenne-plugin:3.0:cgen failed:
    Unable to load the mojo 'cgen' in the plugin
    A required class is missing: org/apache/commons/logging/Log
    realm = plugin>org.apache.cayenne.plugins:maven-cayenne-plugin:3.0
    strategy = org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy
    urls[0] =
    urls[1] =
    urls[2] =
    urls[3] =
    urls[4] =
    urls[5] = file:/C:/t/m2/foundrylogic/vpp/vpp/2.2.1/vpp-2.2.1.jar

    This is very odd because it was working fine with 3.0RC1. And it still does
    if I revert the version on only the maven-cayenne-plugin. (So I have a

    I've tried telling m2eclipse to update its dependencies and project
    configuration, thinking it was some local config confusion. I've tried
    adding org.apache.commons.logging explicitly to my pom, although it wasn't
    needed before.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Sun May 16 2010 - 20:42:11 UTC