lifecycle callbacks, order of execution

From: Marcin Skladaniec (
Date: Wed May 19 2010 - 04:17:54 UTC

  • Next message: Marcin Skladaniec: "Re: Default Prefetching"


    I'm experiencing something which made me wonder how lifecycle callback
    work. Let me lay down an example first:

    on rop client create two objects and link them together:
    artist = context.newObject(Artist.class);
    painting = context.newObject(Painting.class);

    on server for both Artist and Painting postPersist() trigger is fired,
    result of one of the triggers depends on the other one.

    Artist postPersist() {
         tempContext = getNewContext();
         localArtist = tempContext.localObject(this);
         artist.setFieldA("not null value");

    Painting postPersist() {
         getArtist().setPersistenceState(PersistentState.HOLLOW); //to
    counteract localObject
         if (getArtist().getFieldA() != null) {
                logger.warn("it works!");

    Now surprisingly this code works.
    It assumes that the postPersist() on Painting is going to be invoked
    after Artist. And this is what I see when I run this. But is there a way
    of assuring the order of postPersist triggers ?

    PS I guess that using localObject in postPersist() is not a good
    practice. I'll try to re-design this, but even then still the order of
    the triggers will matter.

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