
From: Gary Jarrel (
Date: Wed May 19 2010 - 08:17:37 UTC

  • Next message: Thomas Larsen: "Server LISP paper"

    Hi Guys,

    I seem to full of questions today!

    In the modeler I've got org.apache.cayenne.cache.OSQueryCacheFactory for
    Query Cache Factory, 5000 objects and using shared cache.

    I can see OSCache initializing in the logs and everything appears to be

    However when I try to get the cache from the ObjectContext like so:

     QueryCache cache = ((BaseContext) getObjectContext()).getQueryCache();

    The cache that is being returned is
    the org.apache.cayenne.cache.MapQueryCache

    I've traced the calls and can see that the call got getQueryCache() goes
    to MapQueryCacheFactory despite the fact that the modeler
    specifies OSQueryCacheFactory

    Am I doing something wrong here?

    Thank you


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