Exception when caching a SelectQuery with prefetching [WAS: Caching]

From: Gary Jarrel (garyjarre..mail.com)
Date: Thu May 20 2010 - 04:22:21 UTC

  • Next message: Gary Jarrel: "Exception while using #bind() in Raw SQL Query under SQL Server 2008"

    I managed to get the cache issue described below resolved, my error
    with the DataContextFilter that I was using and it was overwriting the
    modeler configuration when initializing shared config.

    I've ran into another issue with the following code:

    SelectQuery q = proto.queryWithParameters(params);

    Upon execution of this query I get the following exception:

    ERROR com.opensymphony.oscache.base.algorithm.AbstractConcurrentReadCache
    [oscache] Exception persisting RichProduct/subCategory =
    <ObjectId:SubCategory, category_id=1,
    Unable to write
    in the cache. Exception: java.io.NotSerializableException, Message:
            at com.opensymphony.oscache.plugins.diskpersistence.AbstractDiskPersistenceListener.store(AbstractDiskPersistenceListener.java:376)
            at com.opensymphony.oscache.plugins.diskpersistence.AbstractDiskPersistenceListener.store(AbstractDiskPersistenceListener.java:238)

    <rest of stack trace removed>

    If I however remove the prefetches then the caching works fine.

    Looking at the source code for ListWithPrefetches it does not
    implement Serializable, could this be the reason for it, or am I
    missing something!

    Thank you


    On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:17 PM, Gary Jarrel <garyjarre..mail.com> wrote:
    > Hi Guys,
    > I seem to full of questions today!
    > In the modeler I've got org.apache.cayenne.cache.OSQueryCacheFactory for Query Cache Factory, 5000 objects and using shared cache.
    > I can see OSCache initializing in the logs and everything appears to be fine.
    > However when I try to get the cache from the ObjectContext like so:
    >  QueryCache cache = ((BaseContext) getObjectContext()).getQueryCache();
    > The cache that is being returned is the org.apache.cayenne.cache.MapQueryCache
    > I've traced the calls and can see that the call got getQueryCache() goes to MapQueryCacheFactory despite the fact that the modeler specifies OSQueryCacheFactory
    > Am I doing something wrong here?
    > Thank you
    > Gary

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