Building dataview jar for use with Cayenne 3.0 ( ANYONE using dataviews in 3.0?)

From: Mark Fraser (
Date: Wed May 19 2010 - 21:13:44 UTC

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Exception when caching a SelectQuery with prefetching [WAS: Caching]"

    I am trying to migrate a Cayenne 2.0.4 project that is a swing-based desktop
    application that heavily uses data views. The reason I have not migrated
    previously is that previous attempts have failed due to a myriad of problems
    created in large part due to the removal of dataviews from the main
    project. I am trying again (one last time) and am having a problem right
    from the start that I need help with.

    I figured the first thing I need to do is make sure I can build the dataview
    jar as explained here:

    When I check out the code and run 'mvn clean install' I immediately get the
    following error:

    [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    [INFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).

    Project ID: org.apache.cayenne.dataview:dataview-parent:pom:3.0-SNAPSHOT

    Reason: Cannot find parent: org.apache.cayenne:cayenne-parent for project:
    org.apache.cayenne.dataview:dataview-parent:pom:3.0-SNAPSHOT for project

    I then tried compiling the main cayenne trunk and this successfully compiled
    and added to my maven repository...but the same error occurred when I went
    back and tried compiling the dataview project again.

    I am not thoroughly familiar with Maven so I'm not sure if the problem is
    with my setup or with the pom.xml or what.

    Any help would be appreciated.



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