Re: Building dataview jar for use with Cayenne 3.0 ( ANYONE using dataviews in 3.0?)

From: Mark Fraser (
Date: Thu May 20 2010 - 22:57:33 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Building dataview jar for use with Cayenne 3.0 ( ANYONE using dataviews in 3.0?)"

    > Just committed changes to the POM files to make sure DV is using Cayenne
    > 3.0-final, and a few more. Here is a

    Thank you Andrus. This got the dataview jar to build and will get me to the
    next step.

    Just a suggestion that the readme should point out (under "BUILDING
    DATAVIEWS") that building the cayenne main source has to be done before
    building the dataview jar (maybe obvious to some but not everyone).


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