DBCP Properties - testOnBorrow

From: Joe Baldwin (jfbaldwi..arthlink.net)
Date: Mon May 24 2010 - 16:28:01 UTC

  • Next message: Andrew Lindesay: "Re: Blobs in the DataContext"

    My webapp is getting the following exception (Cayenne 3.0, with dbcpdatasourcefactory):

            java.util.NoSuchElementException: Could not create a validated object, cause: ValidateObject failed

    When the following two parameters are added to the dbcp.properties file

            cayenne.dbcp.validationQuery="select 1"

    (Note: This does not occur if the two parameters are left out.)

    My understanding from the Apache DBCP docs is that the "testOnBorrow" will not be run if the "validationQuery" parameter is not set, and therefore they must both be set for this "testOnBorrow" validation to occur.

    Furthermore, the cayenne docs


    list these two parameters as supported by Cayenne dbcpDataSourceFactory.

    1. Are these parameters actually supported as I understand them, and if so, then has anyone seen this exception?
    2. What is the default connection-validation behavior when these parameters are absent from the configuration?

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