Re: More on caching

From: Gary Jarrel (
Date: Fri May 28 2010 - 06:39:15 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Relationship Fetching Behavior and Case Sensetivity"

    On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > On May 28, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Gary Jarrel wrote:
    >> I would expect that the the second query q2 would not execute any SQL
    >> however the QueryLogger logs the second select statement.
    > The second query has no cache group or cache strategy in your example, so it
    > is not using caching.

    Ahh I didn't realize that I had to specify the cache group for the
    second query as well... I thought given that I was executing a query
    with the same parameters it would have picked up the fact that one is
    already cached without having to specify which cache group to look
    into. Probably how I read the docs.

    So does this mean that for query caching to work I have to specify the
    cache group and cache strategy and that the modeler settings only
    apply to Object cache?

    >> Also the assert on the query cache size fails the it appears the size
    >> is zero rather than 1 as I would have expected.
    > is domain.getQueryCache().size() also returning zero?

    No it seems that domain.getQueryCache().size() is returning 1

    assertEquals(1, ((DataContext)
    assertEquals(1, ((DataContext) getDataContext()).getQueryCache().size());

    I've put these 2 lines into the test case and it fails on the second line.


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