Re: More on caching

From: Gary Jarrel (
Date: Fri May 28 2010 - 07:17:08 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: More on caching"

    On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:

    >> it seems that domain.getQueryCache().size() is returning 1
    >> assertEquals(1, ((DataContext)
    >> getDataContext()).getParentDataDomain().getQueryCache().size());
    >> assertEquals(1, ((DataContext) getDataContext()).getQueryCache().size());
    > I guess DataContext is assigned a different QueryCache instance somehow.
    > Andrus

    I've just traced though the code and it seems that the queryCache
    member in DataContext never gets set. Cayenne uses the DataDomain
    query cache which is created on the first execution of my select
    query. The second select query also uses this cache. The call in the
    first assertEquals uses this cache is subsequently returns the correct
    result. However in the second assertEquals statement the method on
    line 226 of DataContext is executed.

    public QueryCache getQueryCache() {
        if (queryCache == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (queryCache == null) {

                    DataDomain domain = getParentDataDomain();
                    queryCache = domain.getQueryCacheFactory().getQueryCache(

        return queryCache;

    At this point queryCache within the DataContext is still null so it
    goes of and creates another one hence the cache is empty.

    This could however be the correct behavior if the DataDomain holds the
    shared cache, while the data context holds the local cache, but if
    this is the case perhaps it needs to be documented a bit better?



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