If you have access to the ObjectContext with which you originally registered the cache group, (which I personally get via a call to the BaseContext), then that should be your DataContext instance.
On May 29, 2010, at 12:22 AM, Bob Schellink wrote:
> Sorry for my late reply.
> On 28/05/2010 00:48, Bryan Lewis wrote:
>> This email made me aware of that cool new removeGroup and OSCache features.
>> Thanks. Two little howevers...
>> In my testing, it worked only with LOCAL_CACHE, as the original poster
>> said. Not a big deal for me; SHARED_CACHE is rarely necessary. The same
>> was true with OSCache.
> Did some more testing (and reading Gary Jarrel's thread[1]) and it turns out I've misunderstood
> LOCAL vs SHARED caching. I now understand that:
> - LOCAL_CACHE is cached in a QueryCache at the ObjectContext level
> - SHARED_CACHE is cached in a QueryCache at the DataDomain level
> - These two cached are independent e.g. invoking removeGroups on the ObjectContext QueryCache won't
> clear the DataDomain QueryCache.
> The Java example in the doco (http://cayenne.apache.org/doc30/query-result-caching.html) shows how
> to clear the cache in a post-commit callback, but it targets the ObjectContext cache, in other
> words, LOCAL_CACHE.
> In order to clear a group from the SHARED_CACHE one needs to lookup the DataDomain's QueryCache and
> invoke removeGroup on that cache. The following seems to work:
> void onCommit() {
> QueryCache cache = customer.getDataContext().getParentDataDomain().getQueryCache();
> if(isModern()) {
> cache.removeGroup("modern");
> }
> else {
> cache.removeGroup("classic");
> }
> }
> That said, DataObject.getDataContext is deprecated. What is the recommended way to lookup the
> DataDomain from inside a DataObject callback? Configuration.getSharedConfiguration().getDomain()?
> Kind regards
> Bob
> [1]: http://markmail.org/message/5qgrpbs2hjz7qxbx
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