BaseContext in servlet

From: Kuhns, John (
Date: Tue Jun 15 2010 - 14:16:22 UTC

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: BaseContext in servlet"

    I am attempting to set a reference to a pojo containing some user info for use during updates/inserts. On reading the documentation early on, 3.0RC1 or so, I believed I could use setUserProperty and the context would be reused within a given session. However it appears that BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext() does not return the same context ever.

    In my web.xml I have:

    I then implemented HttpSessionAttributeListener in my class and used the following code within it:

            public void attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent arg0) {
                    ObjectContext ctx = null;
                            ctx = BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext();
                    }catch(Exception e){}
                    if(ctx != null){
                            ctx.setUserProperty("myData", this);

    The code gets hit and the property is set, but every subsequent call to BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext().getUserProperty("myData") returns null. If I explicitly set the user property with every request, all works fine. Am I missing something?

    John Kuhns

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