Re: Testing for Pagination

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Wed Jun 30 2010 - 03:44:42 UTC

  • Next message: Gary Jarrel: "Re: Testing for Pagination"

    On 30/06/10 1:27 PM, Gary Jarrel wrote:
    > But it seems that results.get(n) always inflates the object and put it
    > into a committed persistence state, hence the test fails.

    Can't imagine how the get is doing that.

    > Any way to stop the object from inflating when you access it's
    > Persistence State.

    If that is happening, then that might be a bug. Could you put logging in there to identify exactly when you see the SQL query inflating the record? Does it happen right after getPersistenceState()?

    > I can see in the logs that the query has also changed to just select
    > the object ID as follows:
    > SELECT t0.role_id FROM role t0

    Yes, that's exactly the point.

    Also, your test is not right. An entire page of data will always be inflated at once. So items 0 and 1 in the first query with page size 2. Then 2 and 3 will be pulled together when you try to inflate record 2.


    Aristedes Maniatis
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