Thanks Andrus.
So, to map a view, I need to create it on my DB, then import it with the
modeler and then map it.
Or I should create the DbEntity as a normal one (putting all its attributes as
read-only) ?
Is it possible from the meta-model maintained by cayenne determine if an
ObjEntity maps a table or a view? this could be used to define which class
extend in the velocity template avoiding update / insert operations.
If it is not possible, then I should used some kind of convention on
tables/views names but I prefer to use the cayenne meta-model.
Finally, is there a way to tell the modeler "don't try to assign a PK to this
kind of entity" (in hibernate there is a "assigned id" strategy whih does this).
Sorry for my poor english and to bother you with this questions.
Thanks in advance.
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