Sorting of to many relation Lists

From: frigo (
Date: Wed Jul 28 2010 - 18:46:09 UTC

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Sorting of to many relation Lists"


    My problem/question is pretty simple, but somehow I didn't manage to find
    the answer to it anywhere.
    I have a to many relation in my data model, the result of which is stored in
    a List on the java side.

    I want to make sure that the objects in this List are ordered by a specific
    attribute(column) of the other table? How can I do that without having to
    sort the List every time I get them? I want to see an "ORDER BY <something>"
    at the end of the automatic query!

    I know how to use ordering in SelectQuery-s, but I want ordering when I call
    one of the automatically generated List<Something> getSomethings(); methods.

    Thanks for you hel! Sorry if the answer is just obvious and is in the second
    line of the documentation :)!

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