Re: How to stop a long running query?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Aug 19 2010 - 07:33:27 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: JPA"

    Good question... Cleanly canceling threads can be challenging.

    There is a java.sql.Statement.cancel() method that, depending on a database, may or may not abort the query, but to get a hold of it in Cayenne, you may have to go pretty deep down the stack to customize query execution. A possible way of doing it is by overriding "createSQLAction" [1], and experimenting with subclassing standard SQLActions to expose active Statement to cancel by another thread. If you go this route, make sure first that DB2 driver provides a working "cancel" implementation.

    Alternatively a normal way of canceling threads via Thread.interrupt() call is unlikely to work, but still worth a try.



    On Aug 18, 2010, at 10:54 PM, Nikolaos Paraschou wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I have written a small application in java that interacts with db2 using
    > apache cayenne.
    > The application sends a long running query to the db2 server and awaits
    > response. The query starts executing from within SwingWorker's
    > doInBackground() method. During the query's execution, a cancel button
    > appears allowing the user to cancel the operation. When clicked,
    > SwingWorker's cancel() is called and everything seems to work fine regarding
    > java code. The SwingWorker thread is canceled (I can confirm that). But,
    > unfortunately, the other thread running the query doesn't stop (or perhaps
    > it stops but the query is already being processed by db2 until finished).
    > Is there any way to stop the query using cayenne specific methods? I tried
    > to create a new DataContext and bind it to the running thread (the following
    > code is executed inside doInBackground():
    > BaseContext.bindThreadObjectContext(DataContext.createDataContext());
    > ObjectContext oc = BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext();
    > return oc.performQuery(longRunQuery);
    > No success.
    > Thank you,
    > Nikos

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