Re: Cayenne 3.0 and DataViews/DVModeler

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Aug 21 2010 - 11:19:18 UTC

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Cayenne 3.0 and DataViews/DVModeler"

    Hi Tomas,

    yeah, that's the case.

    I should also note that we'll be happy to revive the DV project if we find a dedicated volunteer to support it. I guess if that happens, my main request would be to keep the DV stuff decoupled from Cayenne runtime and cayenne.xml file.


    On Aug 21, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Tomas Stenlund wrote:

    > Ooops,
    > I'm sorry I did not search the mailing list thoroughly, there is already a posting related to the dataviews getting thrown out of the cayenne.xml. So that one is known.
    > Cheers,
    > Tomas
    > 2010-08-21 12:39, Tomas Stenlund skrev:
    >> Hi,
    >> as I have understood the dataviews and dvmodeler has been cut out of th cayenne project and is no longer maintained. Nevertheless I have kind of fallen in love with cayenne during my evaluation of it and also would like to have a look at dataviews and dvmodeler to see if it fits my needs. I understand that this is the user forum for cayenne but maybe someone can at least point me onwards if so.
    >> So, therefore I have compiled the dataview/dvmodeler svn source on my machine. So far so good, no problems.
    >> But when I try to open up one of my cayenne 3.0 projects in dvmodeler no objentities are shown and no errors are shown. I started to debug the dvmodeler and found out that it fails to find the children (obj-entity) of the data-map node.
    >> List elements = elem.getChildren("obj-entity");
    >> It fails because the XXXXXXmap.xml file has a xmlns="" causing the getChildren above to fail. If I change the getChildren call to also include the namespace it works or if I remove the xmlns from the XXXmap.xml file. Then I can work with dvmodeler.
    >> So far so good, but when I reload the project into CayenneModeler it rewrites the namespace again and also removes any dataviews in the cayenne.xml. So, I need to have different configurationfiles for cayennemodeler and dvmodeler.
    >> So now to my question, does anyone have any thoughts on starting to maintain dataviews/dvmodeler ?
    >> If there are no such plans yet, If I find any changes/corrections due to bugs or whatever that I would like to make during my evaluation of this, are there anyone maintaining the dvmodeler svn source or do I keep those changes to my self :-)
    >> Is anyone using dataviews with 3.0 ?
    >> Cheers and thanks for a very interesting framework,
    >> Tomas

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