Re: Cayenne 3.0 and DataViews/DVModeler

From: Adrian Wiesmann (
Date: Sat Aug 21 2010 - 16:45:01 UTC

  • Next message: Adrian Wiesmann: "Entity Attribute Value model with Cayenne?"

    > There was
    > someone who was very interested in supporting it as a project, but I
    > haven't heard what came of that.

    That was probably me. We started with DV on a project and very much
    loved it. But we wanted a way to design whole forms and have some logic
    in there. Unfortunately the current state of DV did only allow for
    single tables (we extended this to some simple forms some time, but we
    never went further).

    We realised that we need something with which we could design not only
    lists but whole frames. And we knew we'd need something for web apps as
    well as for "native" java applications. So we designed and implemented

    Gozer is something like a cheap Xul for Cayenne. It contains some Xul
    concepts, but also some concepts from DV. Basically you design frames in
    XML. That XML file contains layout and binding information. A renderer
    then takes that definition and renders into the format you need.
    Including the binding, events and everything. We have already
    implemented a Swing, Wicket, PDF and Excel renderer (to different
    extends). We are quite happy with what we have and would be more than
    willing to walk interested parties through the concept/code. While Gozer
    currently is part of our application, we always planned for using Gozer
    as an external library so that others could use (and extend) it as well.

    So ping me if you'd like to hear more.


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