Thank you Patrick.
I thought that if I change the query by removing the #bind from the
column names, like this:
insert into $schema.$table ($columns) values(#bind($values))
there would be more chances for it to work, but still it doesn't. The
problem this time is that when the variable $columns is replaced by the
ArrayList columnNames, these two symbols ("[" and "]") are also added to
the query causing the error. It becomes like this:
insert into mySchema.myTable ([column1, column2, ..., columnn]) values
(?, ?, ..., ?)
Any idea how I could remove these two symbols ("[" and "]")?
Thank you,
On 25/8/2010 7:46 πμ, wrote:
> Hi Nikos,
> the #bind variables are replaced by PreparedStatement parameters and DB2
> does not allow parameter for column names.
> Regards,
> Patrick
> Nikos Paraschou<>
> 24.08.2010 23:00
> Bitte antworten an
> An
> Kopie
> Thema
> INSERT with raw_sql_query returns error
> Hello,
> I have created the following raw sql query inside Cayenne Modeler:
> insert into $schema.$table (#bind($columns)) values(#bind($values))
> To run it from a java application I use this code:
> String[] keys = new String[] {"schema", "table", "columns", "values"};
> Object[] values = new Object[] {schema, table, columnNames, columnValues};
> NamedQuery query = new NamedQuery("myQuary", keys, values);
> context.performQuery(query);
> columnNames and columnValues are both ArrayLists. The binding of the
> values to their keys seems to work fine (according to the log messages
> when the query is run). Unfortunately, I keep getting a
> CayenneRuntimeException caused by:
> DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-727,
> SQLSTATE=56098, SQLERRMC=2;-104;42601;(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
> values|AL_STATS_WITH_ID_WCT|<, DRIVER=3.57.82
> Am I doing something wrong? I am using Cayenne version 3.
> Thank you,
> Nikos
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