Contexts and connections are more or less independent. There is a pool of connections; there are one or more contexts. When a context needs a connection, eg, to write to or read from teh database, it checks one out from the pool, and returns it to the pool as soon as it is finished with the connection.
So a child context will share a connection with the parent in the same sense that any data context "shares" a connection with any other context: via the shared connection pool.
In general, for a child context, /writes/ to the database will be flushed through to the parent, and therefore performed on the parent-context level. That's not the case for read operations.
On Sep 21, 2010, at 9/211:22 PM , wrote:
> Hello all,
> Do Child Contexts share the connection of a parent connection? When i do a
> commitChanges on the child the change is made on the database or in the
> parent? I have already read the Nested Contexts page on the User Guide but
> this detail was confusing for me.
> Thank you
> Bruno
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