Re: Expression.filter and UUIDs

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Sep 27 2010 - 12:26:21 UTC

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Expression.filter and UUIDs"

    On Sep 27, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Adrian Wiesmann wrote:

    >> Or we can work together on supporting constructors in Expressions, similar
    >> to how JPQL does:
    >> propertyXY = new java.util.UUID(1, 2)
    > I'd be willing to work on this. How can we proceed with that?

    Cool. We may continue this discussion on the dev list. Let me start here by giving some pointers:

    1. Get Cayenne code (3.0 or 3.1)
    2. Take a look at framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished//src/main/jjtree/org/apache/cayenne/exp/parser/ExpressionParser.jjt This is a JavaCC (specifically - JJTree) grammar of the Cayenne expression language.
    3. Add support for "constructor expression" syntax to the grammar.
    4. Implement processing of constructors in QualifierTranslator and for in-mempry evaluation
    5. Create unit tests (likely add more test cases to the existing expression and SelectQuery tests)
    6. Submit a patch.

    BTW, checked the JPQL spec, and they only allow constructor in the "SELECT" clause. The above will support it in the WHERE clause, which is nice. We will also port that to EJBQLQuery at some point as well.


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