Re: many to many relations and default values for the association table?

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu Sep 30 2010 - 18:29:14 UTC

  • Next message: gilbertoca: "Re: many to many relations and default values for the association table?"

    Normally, you just don't flatten those relationships if you need to
    access (set/get) additional fields out of the join table.

    On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Marc Guenther <> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have the usual flattened User <<-->> Group many to many relationship with a association table in between. My problem is, in the association table I have an attribute, which I want to set to a certain default value.
    > But when Cayenne creates a new entry in the association table, all attributes except the fk/pks are set to null. Is there any way to specify a default for the attributes there?
    > I tried to also map the association table to an ObjEntity, but that never gets used, this flattened stuff seems to be handled at a lower level.
    > I can of course change my model and handle the assiciation table in the code, but maybe there is an easier way?
    > Thanks,
    > Marc

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