Re: cayenne-plugin and superpkg

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Oct 13 2010 - 08:04:52 UTC

  • Next message: Borut BolÄina: "Relationship not set (NULL)"

    Yeah, I think providing better superPkg defaults (such as relative "auto") and support for relative superPkg will be a nice enhancement. Fill free to open an improvement request in Jira :-)


    On Oct 13, 2010, at 10:12 AM, André Rothe wrote:

    > Ooops, I have read the ant-task documentation instead of maven.
    > Sorry!
    > Is it possible to extend the path of the classes instead of define the complete package path?
    > So it would be nice to have a class Employee in package x.y and a class Department in package x.y.z and I can set a relative package "auto", so I get the _Employee in and _Department in
    > Thank you
    > Andre
    > Bryan Lewis <> wrote:
    >> The elements are case-sensitive. Try <superPkg>.
    >> (I'd fix the case of "" too, although it might not matter on
    >> Windows.)
    >> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 4:55 PM, André Rothe <> wrote:
    >>> Hello,
    >>> I have written a configuration for the class generator of Cayenne within my
    >>> pom.xml:
    >>> <plugin>
    >>> <groupId>org.apache.cayenne.plugins</groupId>
    >>> <artifactId>maven-cayenne-plugin</artifactId>
    >>> <executions>
    >>> <execution>
    >>> <id>cgen</id>
    >>> <configuration>
    >>> <map>${}/../resources/</map>
    >>> <destDir>${}</destDir>
    >>> <superpkg>auto</superpkg>
    >>> <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>
    >>> </configuration>
    >>> <goals>
    >>> <goal>cgen</goal>
    >>> </goals>
    >>> </execution>
    >>> </executions>
    >>> </plugin>
    >>> But the plugin doesn't use the <superpkg> information, the debug output of
    >>> maven writes:
    >>> [DEBUG]Configuring mojo
    >>> 'org.apache.cayenne.plugins:maven-cayenne-plugin:3.0.1:cgen' -->
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) client = false
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) destDir =
    >>> /localhome/arothe/workspace/CayenneTest/src/main/java
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) encoding = UTF-8
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) makePairs = true
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) map =
    >>> /localhome/arothe/workspace/CayenneTest/src/main/java/../resources/
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) mode = entity
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) outputPattern = *.java
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) overwrite = false
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) project = MavenProject: info.phosco:CayenneTest:1.0-SNAPSHOT @
    >>> /localhome/arothe/workspace/CayenneTest/pom.xml
    >>> [DEBUG] (f) usePkgPath = true
    >>> [DEBUG]-- end configuration --
    >>> [cayenne:cgen]
    >>> I miss the new path for the superclasses, what's wrong?
    >>> Thanks a lot
    >>> Andre

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