Search order for cayenne.xml

From: Borut Bolčina (
Date: Thu Nov 18 2010 - 10:21:26 UTC

  • Next message: Marek Šab: "getThreadObjectContext"


    before looking into the source code, maybe someone can help me understand
    the order of search paths when adding a classpath like this

            DefaultConfiguration conf = new

    the log spits out

    [2010/11/18 11:01:03.348] DEBUG [conf.DefaultConfiguration:<init>]: using
    domain file name: cayenne.xml
    [2010/11/18 11:01:03.350] DEBUG [conf.DefaultConfiguration:initialize]:
    initialize starting.
    [2010/11/18 11:01:03.351] DEBUG [util.ResourceLocator:findResource]:
    searching additional classpaths: [database]
    [2010/11/18 11:01:03.351] DEBUG [util.ResourceLocator:findResource]:
    searching for: database/cayenne.xml
    [2010/11/18 11:01:03.352] DEBUG [mortbay.log:debug]:
    [2010/11/18 11:01:03.352] DEBUG [util.ResourceLocator:findURLInClassLoader]:
    URL found with classloader:

    So, if I do


    is Cayenne also trying to load cayenne.xml from the root classpath or not?
    The log says: "searching additional classpths..."

    I am asking this because I have a JAR which my web project depends on and
    this jar has cayenne.xml also (at the root). I just wanna be sure if the
    order is deterministic and if the root is searched at all in the above case.
    If not, I suggest log improvement and the documentation at which doesn't
    clarify my case.


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