Updates with Delta values

From: Bruno Ren� Santos (brunoren..olos.pt)
Date: Tue Nov 23 2010 - 17:19:46 UTC

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Updates with Delta values"

    Hello all,


    I doing an update on a hierarchical structures with total values. In order not
    to do locks on the fields I wanted to update these values like this:




    Where 500 is the value the total will be increased with. This way I can have
    several people updating totals concurrently without problems. My question is how
    can I put this kind of structure on a object that is called during the
    commitChanges phase? Is it even possible?


    Thanx & Regards

    Bruno Santos



    Bruno Ren� Santos | Gestor de Projectos - Project Manager | <mailto:brunoren..olos.pt> brunorene@holos.pt | <http://www.holos.pt> http://www.holos.pt

    Holos - Solu��es Avan�adas em Tecnologias de Informa��o S.A.

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