RE: Build distribution WOProject & WOLips

From: JR Ruggentaler (
Date: Sun Mar 02 2003 - 22:09:35 EST

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "tests and ui"

    In addition to the error I am seeing with
    org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ArrayContentProvider I am seeing the following
    error from the ant build target dist.

           [javac] Compiling 31 source files to
           [javac] BUILD FAILED:
    file:C:/eclipse/workspace/woproject/build-code.xml:47: Unable to find a
    javac compiler; is not on the classpath.
    Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
    Total time: 881 milliseconds

    JAVA_HOME is set to C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ulrich Köster []
    Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:00 AM
    To: Ulrich Köster
    Cc: Anders Peterson; JR Ruggentaler;
    Subject: Re: Build distribution WOProject & WOLips

    Hi Jr,

    could you make an cvs update delete(or rename) your
    $user.home/Library/ and build woproject again.



    Am Freitag, 28.02.03 um 10:43 Uhr schrieb Ulrich Köster:

    > Hi,
    > could you try this:
    > ?func=detail&atid=459967&aid=694363&group_id=50507
    > Thanks
    > Ulrich
    > Am Freitag, 28.02.03 um 09:36 Uhr schrieb Anders Peterson:
    >> You're welcome to help with the docs...
    >> The current WOLips help already contain information about how to
    >> build from source, and describes the bug you encontered. (The bug
    >> unfortunately is only mentioned in the Bugs section, not with the
    >> build instruction.)
    >> As of yesterday, there is also a bug report at:
    >> index.php?func=detail&aid=694363&group_id=50507&atid=459967
    >> /Anders
    >> JR Ruggentaler wrote:
    >>> I down loaded the woproject module from Sourceforge and have a
    >>> working
    >>> woproject in eclipse. How do I build the distribution file like the
    >>> one I
    >>> downloaded and installed from sourceforge? The automatic build
    >>> process
    >>> compiled the code and created the /bin/....*.class files but I want
    >>> to
    >>> create the distribution package, jars... I tried selecting the
    >>> build.xml and
    >>> Run Ant target dist but I get errors:
    >>> Buildfile: C:\eclipse\workspace\woproject\build.xml
    >>> ..ds_store:
    >>> check:
    >>> check_file:
    >>> set_other:
    >>> correct_win:
    >>> check_env:
    >>> set_mac:
    >>> check:
    >>> dist:
    >>> prepare:
    >>> java:
    >>> define-classpath:
    >>> BUILD FAILED: C:\AppleLibraryFrameworks not found.
    >>> Total time: 4 seconds
    >>> When I get this to build the first thing I would like to contribute
    >>> is a
    >>> "Who To Build WOProject & WOLips" document.
    >>> J.R.

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