<<I've set out to configure the incremental builder and update the docs on
to do it at the same time. Right now I have 2 questions for every step in
the "Shortest possible How-to"...>>
<<2) Create Java Projects for your WebObjects Projects
They are already Java projects, aren't they? Are you (Harald) saying that to
use the incremental builder the projects cannot be WOLips projects?>>
No, the original document assumes that you start from scratch with an empty
They must be Java Projects, but they *may* be WOLips projects. The following
steps would convert them to WOLips projects, anyway.
In fact, the How-To was written for theCo.de AG's own
de.thecode.eclipse.wosupport plugin, that didn't have any fancy wizards to
create projects, and that's the reason why this How-To starts completely
from scratch (it was targeted at our own developers switching from
ProjectBuilder to Eclipse). The main parts of that plugin have now been
donated to WOLips.
<<BTW, if I create new frameworks and applications I get:
The new are different from the old! Is that a problem?>>
No, that is just the new way of doing things. The old project setup is kept
compatible and will be changed into the new setup if you open the Project
Properties|WOLips page and change something there.
We are in the process of restructuring the builder part of WOLips,
streamlining the structure and integrating the incremental builder on the
way. Before Ulrich changed the structure, the incremental builder was really
a separate plugin with no integration with other parts of WOLips. Now, if
you check the "Use incremental builder" checkbox, the ant build is
automatically disabled (i.e., there is no *automatic* ant build done. You
can always run the ant build manually -- as I would recommend for generating
a deployment build. The structure created by the incremental builder is
sufficient to run applications and frameworks, but it's just barely what is
necessary to do that.)
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