Re: [OFF TOPIC] Moving Views in Eclipse

From: Ulrich K�ster (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 13:03:45 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich K�ster: "Re: [OFF TOPIC] Moving Views in Eclipse"

    Hi Jonathan,

    there are different perspectives in Eclipse. Try the WOLips perspective:
    Window->Open Perspective->Other->WOLips
    or to debug your application
    Window->Open Perspective->Other->Debug

    It takes a while to figure it out how things work in Eclipse and some
    things are not implemented on MacOSX yet. But it's definitely worth the
    time to try it out.


    Am Dienstag, 06.05.03 um 18:56 Uhr schrieb Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch:

    > Chuck Hill,, wrote:
    >> You have to move it *way* closer to (or even past) the edge than
    >> experience with other applications might lead you to believe.
    > I tried a pixel-perfect drop, and then dropping past the edge of the
    > view. Neither works.
    > Watching CPU Monitor as I attempt the drag indicates that Eclipse takes
    > the mouseDown event and then does not track the mouse at all (no
    > processor activity). As a point of contrast, I can spike CPU monitor by
    > quickly dragging around the toolbar elements, which does work.
    > Thanks for the help guys, but I'm going to bail on Eclipse. I'm spooked
    > by how something so basic is broken, and what a brick wall the
    > site is in terms of getting help when things go wrong.
    > Maybe
    > they're have their act together come version 3.
    > .......................................................
    > Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch
    > Red Shed Software (847) 584-7465
    > PGP: b2af 1a09 f881 ebde c9d6 c4d2 c04f a3c0 3ec5 d5f2
    > "better" necessarily means "different"

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