Re: Problem with deployment of WO App created by Eclipse

From: Christian Mittendorf (
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 10:45:02 EDT

  • Next message: Anders Peterson: "Re: [OFF TOPIC] Moving Views in Eclipse"

    That was the problem. I run wotaskd as a special user "wouser" and
    there were some exec and access rights which stopped the app from
    working. After fixing these rights using your tip for catching the apps
    output, it is now working fine. Thanks!


    On Donnerstag, Mai 8, 2003, at 04:02 Uhr, Pierre Bernard wrote:

    > Are you sure you have set executable rights on the application startup
    > script.
    > To debug further, don't point JavaMonitor to the generated startup
    > script but to a wrapper script of your own.
    > Anything that goes wron in the startup script gets logged nowhere.
    > Your wrapper script may take care of this. Such a script may look like
    > this:
    > #!/bin/sh
    > ${NEXT_ROOT}/Local/Library/WebObjects/Applications/
    > BopUI_Application.woa/BopUI_Application $*
    > >>${HOME}/appStart/log/monitor/monitorWO5.log 2>&1
    > Bear in mind that when you start an application from withing
    > JavaMonitor it is started in the environment which started wotaskd.
    > Your application may inherit some settings from that environment. Your
    > startup script should be executable by the owner of the wotaskd
    > process.
    > Pierre.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Christian Mittendorf []
    > Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 3:54 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Problem with deployment of WO App created by Eclipse
    > Hello!
    > I have a problem with the deployment of a WO application. At first I
    > thought the problem would relate to the deployment machine using 2 ip
    > adresses and using WO 5.2. But then I did some testing and there seems
    > to be some other problem.
    > I've already seen the information at Apple about WO52 and multiple
    > network interfaces and the patch was applied to all apps.
    > I have created 2 small test apps. One using Eclipse and wo-lips 1.0.1
    > and the other app was created the usual way using ProjectBuilder. I
    > then transferred both apps to my linux box where I already sucessfully
    > deploy 2 other apps.
    > The app created by Eclipse refuses to start if being started by
    > JavaMonitor. The only response I can see so far is the increasing death
    > counter... that's all. However, I can start the app from the
    > commandline and it is working then.
    > The other app, the one created by PB, starts without any problems.
    > Any idea or hint where the problem is located or where to search for
    > further information?
    > cu
    > cm
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    Mit freundlichen Gr��en

    Christian Mittendorf
    eCommerce Entwicklung

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