"Cannot use rapid turnaround." when projectbuilder is not running

From: Kaj Hejer (kaj.heje..sit.uio.no)
Date: Sun May 25 2003 - 17:32:49 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich K�ster: "Re: "Cannot use rapid turnaround." when projectbuilder is not running"


    When projectbuilder is not running and I'm trying to start a WO
    application in eclipse it looks like elicpse is taking a break for
    about one minute after the line

    "NSBundle is unable to find "ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the
    main bundle. Ignoring optional configuration file.

    and when in continue is says

    "Cannot use rapid turnaround. Please start Project Builder and open
    the project for this application.

    When projectbuilder is running I don't see this problem.

    Im using osx 10.2.6, eclipse 2.1.1 and the WOLips 1.0.1.

    -Kaj :)

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