Greetings all,
OK, I have WOProject pretty much working like I want it to, using
reference ids to share framework declarations between WOCompile,
WOApplication and PBIndex. Here's an example:
<typedef name="frameworks"
<frameworks root="/System/Library/Frameworks" id="standard.frameworks">
<include name="JavaFoundation.framework"/>
<include name="JavaEOControl.framework"/>
<include name="JavaEOAccess.framework"/>
<include name="JavaWebObjects.framework"/>
<include name="JavaWOExtensions.framework"/>
<include name="JavaXML.framework"/>
<include name="JavaJDBCAdaptor.framework"/>
<frameworks root=".." id="developer.frameworks" embed="true">
<include name="Seppuku/out/Seppuku.framework"/>
<wocompile srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" debug="on">
<frameworks refid="standard.frameworks"/>
<frameworks refid="developer.frameworks"/>
<woapp name="${woaName}" destdir="${out}">
<frameworks refid="standard.frameworks"/>
<frameworks refid="developer.frameworks"/>
<pbindex name="Spike">
<frameworks refid="developer.frameworks"/>
It required changes to FrameworkSet (support referenced embedded
frameworks) and PBIndex (support <frameworks> child). Would you care for
my code changes?
Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch
Red Shed Software (847) 584-7465
PGP: b2af 1a09 f881 ebde c9d6 c4d2 c04f a3c0 3ec5 d5f2
"better" necessarily means "different"
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