I am currently in the process of investigating the migration of a rather
big and complex project to Ant/WOLips/WOProject.
Are there any best practices someone wants to share on
- how to layout the dirctories (several applications, many frameworks)
- how to convert/import files to the new structure (esp. using packages
with WOComponents)
- how to support multi-platform / multi-IDE development (Eclipse and
IDEA would be the IDEs of choice)
- how to organize Ant-files for each application which might need
another set of frameworks than an other with minimal duplicating effort
Since I have to compile a guide for our developers anyway I would be
willing to compile all suggestions and after migration I would post this
on a website or maybe it can be included into the doc section of the
Alexander Schneider, alexander.schneide..it.fraunhofer.de
tel +49 2241 14 2869
fax +49 2241 14 2146
Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte
Informationstechnik FIT
Schloss Birlinghoven . D-53754 Sankt Augustin
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