which version (build) of Eclipse and WOLips are recommended for Mac OS
X? Either Eclipse crashes or I get the spin disk cursor of death. Since
there are several versions of Eclipse and WOLips I was wondering which
combination does really work. Maybe Mac OS X is not a good platform to
run Eclipse? Compared to IntelliJ IDEA it is also extremely sluggish.
Eclipse 3.0.0 seems to be a little faster but does not work with WOLips
for me.
I'm using Eclipse 2.1.3 with WOLips on Mac OS X 10.3.2 with
Java 1.4.2.
Regarding the Ant-patch... how is it supposed to be installed? I guess
I should replace the contents of the "optional" directory into the
"optional" directory of Eclipse. But Eclipse 2.1.3 has a newer version
of org.eclipse.ant.core (org.eclipse.ant.core_2.1.3) and the patch only
provides 2.1.0 and 2.1.1. Does this mean the patch is no longer needed?
Thanks in advace,
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