WOLips news

From: Ulrich Köster (ulric..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 04:55:52 EST

  • Next message: Kaj Hejer: "Error building from cvs"


    some info for our contributors. The ant build and PB.project shares the
    same patternsets. The patternset are created when you change a resource
    in the case they don't exist.

    You have to modify the build.xml manually:

            <wsresources dir=".">
                                               <includesfile name="wsresources.include.patternset"/>
                                            <excludesfile name="wsresources.exclude.patternset"/>
                                <resources dir=".">
                                               <includesfile name="resources.include.patternset"/>
                                            <excludesfile name="resources.exclude.patternset"/>

    To test it modify the patternset files to fit your needs.

    WOLips should build your project and update the PB.project when save
    the patternset file. The forced update of the PB.project via the
    "WOLips Tools" menu is now a WorkspaceModifyOperation without a
    open/close on the Project.

    Resources are in the "WOAPP_RESOURCES" tree and the WebServer Resources
    are in the "WEBSERVER_RESOURCES" tree in the PB.project.

    The next step is the incremental build.

    Please report all issues with Jira.



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