> Mike Schrag wrote:
>>> No, something has changed....
>> I would say so -- it's a completely different set of plugins than
>> before. The only code that's the same at all is that it shares
>> wod validation code with WodEditor now.
> I'm about to give this new editor a try. What do I have to change?
I don't think you should have to change anything ...
> Can I get rid of WTP (Callisto) completely? Do I have to?
If you have the maven plugins installed, at the moment, the feature
claims to have a dependency, but it's wrong and I haven't updated
that yet. But WTP is no longer used at all. You can keep it if you
want, though.
> Do I get the Amateras EclipseHTMLEditor separately, or is it included?
It's included ... Well, it's not really the same thing anymore --
it's pretty well hacked and slashed up, but it's basically there.
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