Hmm ... Yeah NSKVC throws a huge monkey wrench into validation. I'm
wondering if maybe I should add a new screen in prefs where you can
define additional type=>valid keypath regexs, so if there are really
common ones people have, they can manually provide info to the
validator so that it will validate. So you could say
com.mschrag.MyComponent=>(fakeKey1|fakeKey2|fakeKey3). This would
generalize the exclusion for NSArray and NSDictionary which could map
to .* maybe.
On May 7, 2007, at 7:46 AM, Anjo Krank wrote:
> BTW: The pref for "don't warn if implements NSKeyValueCoding"
> should either not apply for WOComponent and EOEnterpriseObject or
> one should be able to exclude specific classes. The way it's now,
> is just warn on basically all things except POJOs...
> Cheers, Anjo
> Am 07.05.2007 um 13:40 schrieb Mike Schrag:
>> Can you send me exactly the method signature for "loc" along with
>> exactly the type hierarchy (just class names) for a component that
>> is having this problem? If it's a public method on
>> ExtendedWOComponent, it should "just work".
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