I have made the binding parser a little better:
1) I think it was tokenizing this wrong -- it should have found the
.. and parsed the rest as an operator. That now functions properly,
so BindingValueKeyPath can return its operator to the validator.
2) There's a new option to turn off warnings for..perators
3) There's a new preference pane where you can define valid binding
regexs. For instance, you can make:
Component Regex = .*\.MDT.*
Valid Binding Regex = ^localizer\..*
What this says is that any time there is a component with a ".MDT" in
the component class name, bypass the validator for any binding value
that starts with "localizer.".
So if all of your components have a "loc" binding, you would map
Component Regex .* to Valid Binding Regex ^loc\.
At some point, all the binding validations should be an extension
point so you can plug in custom ones.
On May 8, 2007, at 4:06 PM, Sebastien Sahuc wrote:
> Tried that, but doesn't seem to make any difference. What would you
> put in there in that case ?
> url = translateUR..images/error_tag.png;
> Thanks
> Sebastien
> On May 8, 2007, at 12:51 PM, Anjo Krank wrote:
>> Probably simply add / to your prefs?
>> <pastedGraphic.png>
>> Am 08.05.2007 um 21:47 schrieb Sebastien Sahuc:
>>> That we hacked in our WO runtime to properly return a translated
>>> image, and I'm looking into hacking this in the validation code
>>> of WOLips (and not commit back since it's internal to us only).
>>> So before I start peeking at the gigantic code WOLips base, if
>>> anyone (most likely our super Mike) has any knowledge where that
>>> should be happening, I'm all hear.
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