Re: WOL-369

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Wed May 16 2007 - 01:57:09 EDT

  • Next message: Kieran Kelleher: "Re: Highlighting in component editor"

    On 16/05/2007, at 3:43 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    > I don't use Vertical Inheritance, so I have no idea ... Entity
    > Modeler's inheritance wizard implements exactly the procedure that
    > is described in the EOModeler guide on page 73 and 74.

    I had the same experience actually, having to rename the attributes.
    I believe the 'procedure' you're talking about was a visual one for
    clarity in the documentation. If however you observe the actual
    behaviour of EOModeler it doesn't bother with the below prefix.

    > Is there any reason it would cause a problem if I removed the
    > "parentEntity_" prefix from the flattened attributes?

    Not that I know of. It's only visually necessary to have the
    attribute's name italicised :-)

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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