Re: WOL-369

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Wed May 16 2007 - 03:25:04 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: WOL-369"

    On 16/05/2007, at 4:49 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >> 1) 'Assuming that the entities for each of the participating
    >> tables do not yet exist, follow these steps to easily create
    >> subentities from a parent entity:'
    > I love this part of the manual -- that they use the term "easily"
    > and then proceed to explain a really ridiculous confusing process
    > fairly vaguely. I reread this section 472 times when I was
    > writing the vertical inheritance wizard.

    Yep, it is not well written.

    >> Only mentioned ticking or unticking the parent entity as abstract
    >> depending on whether you'll be fetching those objects on their own
    >> or not.
    >> 2) 'Assuming that the entities for each of the participating
    >> tables already exist, do the following to implement vertical
    >> mapping in an EOModel:'
    >> Mentions flattening the class properties like so:
    >> "If you created the child entities by choosing Create Subclass
    >> from the Property menu, you now need to delete the attributes that
    >> are inherited from the parent entity. This is necessary to avoid
    >> redundancy since the attributes you just flattened reflect the
    >> same attributes as the inherited attributes do."
    >> But I'm not sure why they'd need to be flattened if the above
    >> example didn't require it... i.e., why not just accept the
    >> inherited members? I think they would only need to be flattened if
    >> the parent entity was abstract perhaps.
    > Because you're spanning tables, so you don't have those columns in
    > the partial subclass table -- they only exist in the superclass
    > table. So you have to flatten them into the subclass entity so EOF
    > knows where to get the values from. However, I agree that it could
    > be way smarter about this. But on the flip side, it's fairly
    > commonly recommended that you avoid vertical inheritance as it's
    > the worst performing (albeit cleanest design) of all of the
    > inheritance types.

    Okay, thanks for the clarification.

    I am finding however that when exporting sql from the model that if
    the parent entity is marked as abstract that I'm still getting a
    statement to create its table. Why would that be?

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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