I am looking at Entity Modeler, and apart from the WOLips quirks, it
looks a fine replacement of EOModeler. I am also using the
There seem to be a few quirks, however, when using it against
I am running the latest postgresql (8.2.4) with the latest postgresql
JDBC3 driver: (postgresql-8.2-505.jdbc3.jar)
When I try to reverse engineer a database, the tables are all part of
the public catalog. That is fine, however, when generating indexes it
also uses the public. as a pre-text, which causes the creation of
indexes to fail.
Another problem is the way text fields are interpreted: in the
relations table I have a field relation_remark, with fieldtype text.
The reverse-engineering makes that text 2147483647 long, which fails
very nicely.
An example of reverse engineering:
CREATE TABLE public.relations (relation_city varchar(30) ,
relation_country_id int4 , relation_email varchar(50) ,
relation_emailold varchar(30) , relation_id int4 NOT NULL,
relation_name varchar(50) , relation_phone1 varchar(20) ,
relation_phone2 varchar(20) , relation_remarks text(2147483647) ,
relation_straat varchar(50) , relation_straat2 varchar(50) ,
relation_telex varchar(20) , relation_zipcode bpchar(4) ,
relation_zipcode2 bpchar(2) , relation_zipcodeext varchar(15) ,
relation_zipcodeint varchar(8) );
CREATE SEQUENCE public.relations_seq;
('public.relations_seq', (SELECT MAX(relation_id) FROM
ALTER TABLE public.relations ALTER COLUMN relation_id SET DEFAULT
nextval( 'public.relations_seq' );
ALTER TABLE public.relations ADD CONSTRAINT public.relations_pk
PRIMARY KEY (relation_id);
The last ALTER TABLE will fail, it should be:
ALTER TABLE public.relations ADD CONSTRAINT relations_pk PRIMARY KEY
Here the original creation and alter code from pg_dump:
CREATE TABLE relations (
relation_id integer NOT NULL,
relation_name character varying(50),
relation_straat character varying(50),
relation_zipcode character(4),
relation_zipcode2 character(2),
relation_zipcodeint character varying(8),
relation_city character varying(30),
relation_country_id integer,
relation_phone1 character varying(20),
relation_phone2 character varying(20),
relation_emailold character varying(30),
relation_telex character varying(20),
relation_remarks text,
relation_straat2 character varying(50),
relation_zipcodeext character varying(15),
relation_email character varying(50)
-- -- Name: relations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: johan; Tablespace: --ALTER TABLE ONLY relations ADD CONSTRAINT relations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (relation_id); =======================================
Johan Henselmans http://www.netsense.nl Tel: +31-20-6267538 Fax: +31-20-6273852
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