History of WOLips?

From: Chuck Hill (chil..lobal-village.net)
Date: Thu May 31 2007 - 23:53:02 EDT

I am trying to put together a concise history of WOProject and WOLips
for my presentation on migrating to Eclipse for WOWODC 2007. I'd
appreciate any additions and corrections to the brief outline below.

Also, as a measure of how many people are contributing, does anyone
know how many committers there are currently?

Thank you,


Andrus Adamchik started the project around 2001 as a set of tools to
build WebObjects projects independent from platform and IDE based on
Apache Ant technology.

Emily Bache and Ulrich Koester helped to flesh out project and add
core Ant tasks in the early years. Ulrich started the WOLips Eclipse
plugin which has evolved into a full IDE platform for WebObjects

Several others have contributed extensions and patches over the
years, there are currently X commiters on the project.

Lately Mike Schrag has been one of the most prolific contributors and
has added replacement tools for EOModeler and WebObjects Builder over
the last year or so.


Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems. http://www.global-village.net/products/practical_webobjects

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