[SCHEDULE] Re: Using Cayenne with EJB-s

From: Andrus (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 04:52:44 EDT

  • Next message: Shengaout, Michael: "Making data maps part of cayenne.xml"

    Misha, et. al.,


    I think we are better wait with EJB integration till after the first
    release. From the initial analysis this is not something that we can do in
    2 weeks. I think we should postpone "official" EJB support till Cayenne
    version 1.1. It wouldn't hurt Cayenne acceptance by the users at all. So I
    suggest to make a release 1.0 without EJB support but with all other bells
    and wistles (like documentation, tutorials, sample app, etc.).

    The reasons:

    - I really want to have user feedback on Cayenne ASAP. If people start
    using it, it will help us develop a nice stable core tool much faster and
    wouldn't hurt any EJB effort.
    - since it is nice to have a feature freeze before the release, this will
    push us back for at least once month.

    Why this will NOT hurt us:

    - Without EJB it is as much a usable tool as with it. People who need EJB
    just won't use Cayenne at the moment. But if we do not release it now,
    people who don't care about EJB will not use it either. We will make a
    clear statement that we DO NOT SUPPORT IT NOW, but WILL SUPPORT IT SOON. I
    don't see how this would hurt Cayenne acceptance.
    - We will start EJB support development using the same code base right now
    (or forking a subproject if needed), we will just hide it in the
    documentation (and I think it will be fairly easy to extract EJB-related
    classes from the "official" release JARS - special "dist-noejb" ant task
    would do that).
    - We might wait with planned AJUG presentation till 1.1 with EJB

    Please let me know if you have objections. Otherwise we are ready for
    0.9-alpha on say May 31 - a few days after I come back home from my trip.
    During this time I plan to catch up on documentation and examples. And
    Misha and Julia where supposed to do a sample app.


    At 04:48 AM 5/16/2002 -0400, Andrus wrote:
    >Ok, I finally got some decent internet access....
    >At 07:04 PM 5/14/2002 -0400, Shengaout, Michael wrote:
    >>Here is the scenario we need to support:
    >>* Stateful session bean returns collection of Cayenne data objects
    >>to web container.
    >>* Web container deletes and modifies objects, adds new ones and
    >>calls stateful EJB with the updated collection. Updates may be done to
    >>the attributes (setName(), set DOB()), as well as to the relationships
    >>(addAddress(), setToEmployer()).
    >>* Changed collection is reconciled (somehow) with the Cayenne
    >>context in the bean and saved to the db.

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