Primary Keys in Cayenne

From: Dave Slusher (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 10:14:14 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Primary Keys in Cayenne"


    I'm doing some work with Cayenne at my company. Correct me if I'm incorrect
    about this, but is there any way at the datamap level to specify which keys
    are autoincrement and which are not? It seems like the handling is global
    at forward engineering time - either all integral types that are primary
    keys get autoincrement support or none do. Is there any way to tag or untag
    which ones are to be autoincremented?

    My issue is that in our schema, we do have integral types that are keys but
    not autoincremented. Most are, but several are not. This really complicates
    using Cayenne in the forward engineering of the schema.


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