Re: Revert function

From: Holger Hoffstätte (
Date: Sat Dec 07 2002 - 17:33:34 EST

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: Protection against NPEs/catching illegal arguments ASAP"

    Sorry for not responding earlier, my net connection was down almost
    constantly for the last days and just came back up last night.

    Craig Miskell wrote:
    > Well, in the face of deafening silence :-), I have made it so that when
    > a toMany relationship is modified on a Committed CayenneDataObject, the
    > persistence state of the object is changed to Modified. Standard code

    Great! I though about it and wasn't sure whether modified or a new state
    modified-relationship would be better, but for a first cut this will do


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