Re: high-volume offline processing using cayenne?

From: Craig Miskell (
Date: Sat Mar 01 2003 - 17:10:56 EST

  • Next message: Andriy Shapochka: "ObjAttribute Mapping Spec"

            Just to let you know, I've just recently been working on fixing up
    the prefetching code, and anticipate committing my fixes in the next day
    or two (definitely within the week, if things don't go quite so well :-))
    While these fixes kind of overlap with the PrefetchHelper class below, I
    think that it would be great to incorporate Ardnt's code somewhere. I see
    it as being useful when you have a List of objects previously fetched,
    possibly combined from multiple original queries, or any other manner
    (DataContext.registeredObject() etc.). In that case, traditional
    prefetching would be rather useless (you'd have to create a SelectQuery
    which finds all the objects in your existing list, fetches them and
    prefetches the related objects). However, the code below would "Just

    WHere it should go, I'm not sure. DataContext may be the appropriate
    place (similar to where EOF puts it's equivalent functionality, although i
    think it's in a lower level of the db-stack). I don't think a separate
    class is necessary (although it was convenient for Arndt, so that's not a


     On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, Arndt Brenschede wrote:
    > For the two problems
    > - prefetching relations
    > PrefetchHelper.resolveToOneRelations(
    > DataContext context,
    > List objects,
    > String relName
    > );
    > PrefetchHelper.resolveToManyRelations(
    > DataContext context,
    > List objects,
    > String relName
    > );
    > This is possibly less elegant than attaching the
    > prefetch-info on the query, but very flexibel.
    > (How can an Iterated Query deal with prefetches?)
    > With these two methods I can e.g. collect 100
    > objects from an iterated query and then prefetch
    > their relations, which resolves into
    > SELECT ... WHERE GALLERY_ID IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ... )
    > (For the twoMany, it's like that, but that doesn't
    > work for compound keys. For the toOne, I used
    > QueryHelper.selectQueryForIds(oids), which resolves
    > into "OR ( GALLERY_ID = ? ) OR GALLERY_ID = ? ) OR ... ",
    > which is frightening when you see the query, but
    > similar in performance)

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