Re: ByteArray trimming - why?

From: Dirk Olmes (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 12:16:36 EST

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Re: ObjRelationship isToMany"

    Of all of the mails Holger wrote today I'm just commenting on this. I
    fully agree to the other mails ....

    > Thinking more about trimming, I am becoming more and more convinced that
    > CHAR should be treated as fixed size char[] in Java as well, just like
    > byte[] (via wrapper type 'CharacterArray' to track changes - like Andrus'
    > NSData-like ByteArray wrapper idea). No matter where
    > stripping/no-stripping is done, it's always 'kind of' wrong - basically
    > the fault is in the physical data model and I think if people chose the
    > wrong data type we should not try to fix this.
    > Opinions?

    Couldn't agree more. If you browse the archives you'll find some earlier
    comments from me as I stumbled over the CHAR column trimming when
    implementing the Postgres adaptor.

    I still don't see any use in defining CHAR columns that have to be
    TRIM()ed in queries - even if CHAR columns were faster (which I'll still
    have to see proved), you'll lose much of that gains when TRIM()in in
    queries - generally I found queries incorporating server side functions
    real performance suckers.

    If you want variable length Strings then go for VARCHAR. I like the idea
    of fixed size char[] values coming out of CHAR columns, this is the only
    real world usage I can currently imagine for CHAR cols. For the rest I'd
    just use VARCHAR.


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