Cayenne Examples (data migration tool)

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Mar 30 2003 - 23:13:08 EST

  • Next message: Arndt Brenschede: "Re: Cayenne Examples (data migration tool)"

    As a part of the documentation effort for (post) Beta, I was planning
    to write a few Cayenne examples, using format similar to our tutorials,
    only with fewer step by step documentation. Here is one:

    Cross-database data migration tool:

    A program that copies data from the database 1 to database 2, both
    having the same schema, but potentially running on different engines. I
    posted such tool written with EOF on omnigroup webobjects list a while
    back (I actually know people who used it for their production data
    migrations :-)). Anyway, here is the points I will try to demonstrate
    (mostly beyond the casual Cayenne use):

    1. Cayenne works with multiple heterogeneous data sources.
    2. DataDomain defines entities namespace
    3. Cayenne does easy dependency tracking based on the mapping data.
    4. Data rows and iterated result processing.

    Any other good ideas for such examples? It would be nice if all
    examples were solving a particular programming problem or demonstrating
    the use of some not so obvious feature in Cayenne.


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