Job change

From: Craig Miskell (
Date: Sun May 04 2003 - 16:14:53 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Job change"

    Hi all,
            Just thought I'd fire off a note to say that I am currently in the
    throes of changing my employer. I'll be moving from a development role
    to more of a systems adminstration role for a government biological
    research organisation called AgResearch.[1] Unfortunately, this means
    that I won't really be able to spend any work time on Cayenne, at least
    not initially (unless my role shifts into any significant db
    development, or I can find a way for the developers there to start using
    Cayenne... hmmm, there's a challenge). It remains to be seen how much
    other time I can get to spend on Cayenne. I may feel the need to do
    some dev/hacking after hours, especially if I don't do any at work! On
    the otherhand, I may not, it's kind of hard to tell just yet. I'll let
    you all know if I have to pull out,


    [1] For non-New Zealanders: It's what's called a "Crown Research
    Institute", Crown being a reference to the government (NZ still being
    somewhat attached to Britain - the Queen is still our Head of State, for
    better or worse). It does research into Agricultural stuff, including
    farm/stock management, genetic research (mapping, parentage, beginnings
    of GM for getting medically useful proteins produced in cow's milk) etc.
      I'll be working in bioinformatics, running a linux cluster and other
    internal services.

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