Re: jUnit Tests

From: Dirk Olmes (
Date: Fri Jul 04 2003 - 20:28:50 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Trouble with remaining DB2 errors - could need some help"

    > Hi all,
    > can anybody explain me, how can I run the Cayenne jUnit Tests in the
    > debugger?
    > I need it for testing a new DatabaseAdapter.

    When I was writing the PostgreSQL DBAdaptor, I was doing that. I don't know
    which IDE you use but I can tell you what to do for eclipse:

    - open the test class you want to debug
    - run->run as .. ->JUnit test (this creates a launch config)
    - set the path to <cayennedir>/src/tests/resources
    - make sure you have a proper connection specified
    (-Dcayenne.test.connection ...)
    - run this launch config with the debugger

    Happy debugging,


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