FWD: weird 'SoundsLike' insert error during unit testing on OpenBase support for Cayenne framework

From: Mike Kienenberger (mkienen..laska.net)
Date: Sat Dec 20 2003 - 17:19:30 EST

  • Next message: jir..bjectstyle.org: "[OS-JIRA] Created: (CAY-66) Sync ObjectEntity with DBEntity failed"

    I noticed when I ran the full OpenBase tests that the first test failed with
    the strange error below (although the same test ran by itself worked fine).

    OpenBase suggested that using ID as a column name was a bad idea since it
    used to be a reserved column name.
    How hard is it to change the tests to handle that? Is it simply a matter of
    updating the model.xml file?

    Also, since I don't have Mac OS X, I can't really turn on the diagnostics
    mode they asked for. Actually, that might also require OpenBase 8 as well
    as Mac OS X.


    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 16:20:02 -0500 (EST)
    From: suppor..penbase.com
    Subject: Re: {62153} Low priority: weird 'SoundsLike' insert error during
            unit testing on OpenBase support for Cayenne framework

    I am not certain about the problem here without actually seeing the
    substituted values in the SQL. However, a guess is that ID is a
    problem. In the first versions of openbase 12 years ago use used a
    column called id which was replaced with _rowid. In some places we
    used to map ID to the _rowid column for backward compatibility. So,
    that may be something to change if all else fails.

    What I would first do is turn on diagnostic mode in the Database
    Configuration panel. This will output the SQL to a file so we can take
    a better look. Please refer to http://www.openbase.com/help for
    details on how this works.

    - Scott

    On Dec 20, 2003, at 1:39 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    > This is a very low priority issue as it's not occurring in a database
    > with real data.
    > I (along with Andrus Adamchik <andru..bjectstyle.org>) have been
    > working on adding OpenBase support to the java Cayenne database
    > framework [an opensource alternative to EOF].
    > 'master1')
    > The error is java.sql.SQLException: SQL ERROR - [position 47, near
    > 'SoundsLike' in ') VALUES (?, 'master1')'] insert error: Formula parse
    > error
    > I have no idea where 'SoundsLike' is coming from. There may be an
    > error caused by the INSERT statement, but the error message seems
    > completely incomprehensible.
    > Cayenne error:
    > =================
    > --- will run 2 queries.
    > [bind: 1, 'master1']
    > *** error.
    > java.sql.SQLException: SQL ERROR - [position 47, near 'SoundsLike' in
    > ') VALUES (?, 'master1')'] insert error: Formula parse error
    > SQL: INSERT INTO BINARY_PK_TEST1 (ID, NAME) VALUES (null, 'master1')
    > at com.openbase.net.c.a(Unknown Source)
    > at com.openbase.jdbc.p.a(Unknown Source)
    > at com.openbase.jdbc.p.do(Unknown Source)
    > at com.openbase.jdbc.s.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
    > =================
    > cayenne.db.msg log error:
    > =================
    > 2003-12-20 13:17:29 -0500: &cayenne:SQL ERROR - [position 47, near
    > 'SoundsLike' in ') VALUES (?, 'master1')'] insert error: Formula parse
    > error
    > =================
    > Also attached is the cayenne database simulation log (it's pretty
    > small [202K] as this was the first unit test run).
    > <simulation.sql>

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