FWD: Re: {62153} Low priority: weird 'SoundsLike' insert error during unit testing on OpenBase support for Cayenne framework

From: Mike Kienenberger (mkienen..laska.net)
Date: Sun Dec 21 2003 - 21:23:52 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "DB2 Stored Procedure Advise"


    Can you provide Scott with exact details on what caused this (or maybe
    explain steps to take to cause it)?

    You can send a message to "suppor..penbase.com" with {62153} as part of
    the subject, and it'll automatically get added to the support case.

    I've already answered his questions on Cayenne. His response to that is at
    the bottom of the message.


    > > Andrus Adamchik <andru..bjectstyle.org> wrote:
    > >> this turned out to be our bug, not OpenBase. There is a special
    > >> handling code for binary PKs in
    > >> JdbcPkGenerator.generatePkForDbEntity(). Since OpneBase is the only
    > >> adapter that overrides this method, I haven't paid much attention to
    > >> that... Anyway, I updated OpenBaseAdapter in CVS, and now this
    > >> particular test succeeds.

    > > scot..penbase.com wrote:
    > >> It appears that the problem is with the SQL being created. For
    > >> whatever reason, the ? parameter is not being substituted. I would be
    > >> curious to know how you are assigning this value.

    > On Dec 21, 2003, at 8:25 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    > > Scott, do you still want to know exactly how Cayenne caused the
    > > problem in
    > > order to make the error message more meaningful?

    suppor..penbase.com wrote:
    > Yes. It would be really good to know this. Does Cayenne come with
    > source? Is it free or is it a commercial product? [mlk: answered --
    response to answer below]

    Scott Keith <scot..penbase.com> wrote:
    > Thanks for the link. We are going to take a look at this. I'll do
    > whatever I can to help you resolve this problem.
    > One thing I am thinking is that maybe the type of the value that you
    > are getting back from NEWID needs to be translated to something else
    > before setting the value in the prepare statement. I thing NEWID may
    > just return a string value. Manybe it needs to be converted to a
    > number.
    > Is this possible?

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